
『Among the Wreckage』 by Paul Yoon

久しぶりに英語の本を読みました。この『Among the Wreckage』は、Once the Shore という題名の短篇小説の2番目に納められています。25ページ程の長さです。英語の勉強をするために買いました。と言っても何でもいいからと選んだわけではありません。わたしの方法は、新聞の書評欄で興味の惹く英語原作の本を選んで、アマゾンでオリジナル英語版を手に入れられるか調べるもの。ペーパーバックで適度な値段ならば購入します。たいてい日本語版より安いです。版権とか翻訳料とか…、でしょうか。書評は、2014年9月となっていますからずいぶん前に買ったんですねェ。その間に2回ほどトライしたと思いますが…、なんとなく読めなくて…。


評者はいとうせいこう氏です。『かつては岸』は韓国系アメリカ人のポール・ヤーン氏の著。短篇の8編からなります。全てが架空の島を舞台に繰り広げられています。済州島がモデルらしいとも。つまり舞台はアメリカではなく韓国と言うことですね。年代は現代ではなくやはり戦前・戦中・戦後直の時。とは言え戦争のドロドロしたお話ではなく、淡々と描かれていながら幻想的な雰囲気を醸し出しています。まだ2編しか読んでいませんが、評者によると、と言う意味です。『Among the Wreckage』もそんな感じでした。時代が時代だけに、日本とアメリカの存在がこの地にも影を落としています。



Among the Wreckage』の登場人物は主にBeySoniの老夫婦。書き始めはこんな風…、


EARLY ONE MORNING IN THE SPRING of 1947, a dark blue trawler, once used for fishing, moved slowly across the flat of the Pacific.  It had been abandoned by the Japanese on the banks of a river in Solla Island, and the old farmer named Bey had claimed it as his own. 




Two days had passed since they heard thunder and the trees shook as a cluster of long-winged planes stormed over their village.  When they rushed to the coast they saw what resembled a vaporous tsunami rise up in the east, whitening the midday sky.  And then the waves sped away, followed by a long echoing shudder.  They recalled the bombs of two years before and remained silent.  The noise faded.  The waves calmed, the air stilled. Their world returned to as it was before.(英単語はそんなに難しくないと思いますが、いかがですか。)




The Americans, they were told, had been testing.  This had become common.  They targeted uninhabited islands.  It had been this way since the end of the Japanese occupation.




They waited a full day for his return.  And when he didn’t come they set out to find him.






She lost her front teeth. ---------------

When he first kissed her he slipped his tongue into that space where her teeth had been.  She pressed her other teeth together and surrounded his tongue.  In this way he filled a space.




Soni gave birth to their son a year later, on the floor of their house.  Bey, along with his father, remained outside, facing the forest.  They heard her and the frightened pigs brushing up against the pen.  And then they heard the child.  The infant was given to Bey to hold.  He brought him close to his face.  From his skin rose the copper smell of Soni’s insides.  Bey licked his thumb and wiped away the stains across the infant’s head.  He had his mother’s nose, his father’s thick eyebrows.






He left at the age of fifteen on a ship with mud-colored sails.  Bey and Soni stood on the riverbank to watch him depart.  Their son waved until the ship disappeared around a bend.  They stayed there, standing, long after the ship’s wake faded and the lanterns began to glow through the trees.






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