次回の英語読書会の作品は、ホーソンの短編『The Wedding Knell』です。この作品を提示した人は、オックスフォードの英語学習者のための本から選んでいるので、英語は書き直してあります。原作より簡単な表現になっています。以前にも書きましたように、英語の情緒はナシ。しかしながら内容は興味深く読みました。
The couple to be married had previously
been engaged forty years ago; since then,
The lady had been married twice. The gentleman had been single all these years
and was now well over sixty years of age.
この紳士の名前は、Mr. Ellenwood。相当な変わり者らしく、彼は人の目を引かないように常々しているんですが、世間はほっとかない様子。ここで不思議なのは、世間の人々は花嫁と花婿が相当な年齢だということだけで、awfulとうわさしている事。今ならザラにあることと思います。それ以上に、歳を重ねてから、もう一度パートナーを探すと言うのもブームですよね。
花嫁になる女性の名前は、Mrs. Dabney。彼女のことはこのように書かれています。
The widow, Mrs. Dabney, was the opposite to
her third bridegroom, in everything but age.
She had been forced to end their first engagement and had then married a
man twice her age. She was a loyal wife, and after the husband’s death, she was
left a huge fortune. She then married a man much younger than herself and was
taken to live in Charleston. After many
unhappy years, she was widowed again.
-------, a dark line of people walked into
the church. First, an old man and
woman---like chief mourners at a funeral, dressed from head to foot in black,
except for their pale faces and white hair---entered. He was leaning on a stick and supporting the
old woman with his thin arm. Behind them
appeared another couple and then another pair, as aged, as black, and as
mournful as the first.
------, Down the centre walked a dark
figure. It was the bridegroom in his
“Cruel! Cruel!” groaned the shocked bride.
“Cruel!” he repeated, losing control in a
wild burst of feeling.
“Judge which of us has been cruel! In
youth, you robbed me of my happiness, my hopes, my aspirations. You took away everything that mattered to me
and left me not caring where I went or what I did. Now, after forty years, when I am ready to
die, you call me to get married. Other husbands have enjoyed your youth, your
beauty, your love, and everything about you. What is left for me but your old
age and death? This is why I am here in my shroud, to marry you in a funeral
service so that we can enter the door of the burial chamber together.”
“Yes!” she cried. “Let us marry, even at the door of the burial
chamber! My life has been empty and
wasted. At its end, I have one true
feeling. It is how I felt when I was young and deserving of you. Time means nothing now. Let us be united forever!”
Let us hold hands and say that although we
were separated in life, we meet again just as we are leaving it and find our
affection changed into something holy. How
important is time in a never ending union?

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